Vehicle Diagnostics
About Vehicle Diagnostics, Trouble Codes & Fault Codes
Most modern vehicles have many wonderful conveniences, whether these are for economy, performance, comfort or safety. They can be very complex and to achieve this complexity as efficiently as possible they have many sum systems that are all controlled by an ECU, the brain of the vehicle. The sub systems are controlled by the ECU and those systems report back to it to make sure everything is OK.
Much like you, when something goes wrong, say say twist your ankle, a signal goes from the area of pain, in this example your ankle, back to brain to let it know there is an issue. The brain then stops you using that part of your body and, well, waits for it to be fixed.
Unlike most people, a car can’t simply speak to us to tell us something is wrong. Well, actually, in a way they can. In the first instance via a warning light on the dashboard to inform the driver of an issue. Secondly, once the vehicle is recovered to a vehicle diagnostics specialist, via a diagnostics tool which is plugged in the cars brain, its ECU.
The car’s faults are stored as codes which the Vehicle Diagnostic Tool reports back. The fault codes or trouble codes which they are also known as, are assigned to different sub systems and parts of the vehicle to identify the fault.
Reasons for Fault Codes, Simple Fix
Some fault codes and trouble codes are straight forward and simple to rectify. Maybe your battery went flat. Maybe you’re a home mechanic and you’ve swapped a steering wheel or a sensor and you’ve an airbag light. We can simply clear the code.
Some of the most common reasons for these lights
Some of the most common faults
ABS Warning Light
Air Bag Warning Light
DSC Warning Light
Flat Battery
Replacement Battery
Steering Wheel Replacement
Faulty Sensors
Diesel Injector Programming
Many modern diesel vehicles require new injectors to be programmed and assigned in in the vehicles ECU. We offer Diesel Injector Programming if required. Please contact us for details.
Vehicle Diagnostic Equipment
We use the very latest Autel hardware, software, vehicle specific programs, updates and codes to ensure that we provide you with the very best service. Our system is updated daily. We will provide you with a printed report at the end of the diagnostics session to confirm the status before and after.
Fixed Price Vehicle Diagnostics
We introduced our Vehicle Diagnostics service to offer our customers a simple solution to the worry of the dreaded warning light. We aim to offer peace of mind and understanding of the fault and what the next steps should be.
Vehicle Diagnostics, Workshop
Visual Confirmation
Electronic Diagnostic Code Scan
Code Read Report, Inc. Error Code Details
Clear Error Codes
Code Clear Report, Confirmation Report
Advise & Action Plan
Vehicle Diagnostics, Call Out
Visual Confirmation
Electronic Diagnostic Code Scan
Code Read Report, Inc. Error Code Details
Clear Error Codes
Code Clear Report, Confirmation Report
Advise & Action Plan
Call Out, 10 Mile Radius